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Step 1 - Select Topic/Program
>Step 2 - Survey
Step 3 - Comments/Questions

Step 2 of 3 - Survey
- For each of the following statements, select the one which most clearly reflects your answer. You may skip items that do not apply.
- If you do not have any experience with an item, mark "N/A" or "Not Applicable".

Topic/Program Area: TFC Procurement

1). I found the TFC Procurement website easy to use.

2). The TFC Procurement website provided me with the information that I needed.

3). The TFC Procurement employee was knowledgeable and helpful in answering my questions.

4). My phone call was routed to the correct person or appropriate program area.

5). Brochures and other printed material provided thorough and accurate information.

6). The TFC Procurement employee resolved problems or unforeseen issues to my satisfaction.

7). The TFC Procurement employee was courteous and professional.

8). When I called, wrote, or emailed, I received a response in a reasonable and timely manner.

9). My requests for assistance were handled in a prompt and timely manner.

10). Overall, I am satisfied with my experience.